Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm back!

We are officially "pretty much" settled in. Only a few boxes left to unpack! The move was hard. When we moved in, we had thought everyone was going to be set up. Come to find out, too late on Friday to do anything, the stove was broken. So, we had to wait until Tuesday to call them to come fix it which means 3+ days we ate out every single meal. However, I only gained 1 lb and have managed to lose that and some since the move last weekend!

Things are slowly starting to calm down. My husband and I are going to get me an exercise bike soon and he also promised me a kitten! I'm super excited that I get to go pick a cute kitten to come home with us. I miss having an animal to shower attention on and cuddle up too. Since we don't plan on having kids yet, a kitty will have to do.

Things in general have been good, though. I am losing weight slowly, but I "usually" am okay with that. I don't think I would stick to it if it wasn't something I could do in the long run.

On a more awkward note, I found out today that you can log sex into mynetdiary as a exercise! I always have thought it should be, because it's more of a work out than other things depending on what you're doing.

Sorry for the blatant too much information. I'm an over sharer.


  1. Sometimes I'm more sore after sex than after my workout, lol. At least, in some ways. ;-) There, now a complete stranger has overshared with you as well.

    I love my exercise bike. I can wheel it into my coat closet during the day so it's out of sight, then easily drag it out for a decent workout in the mornings. Total win situation!

  2. hahaha. I think I am definitely, too. Well, sometimes more than others, haha.

    I'm excited to get a bike! We're just saving up a little bit, and then he's buying me one. :)
