Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Busy bee

Things have been absolutely crazy with us moving in 2 weeks, plus me training at work. I feel like I'm going at a dead run with no time to breathe.

Needless to say, counting calories hasn't been as absolute as it has been before. I am trying to round up, but I am estimating a lot when I'm not sure, so I'm either over-counting or under-counting. I do think I'm still doing pretty well though, and at the very least with how busy it's been, I'm getting more movement in.

Managed to lose all I gained over the weekend, but was up a bit this morning again - just slightly though. I'm starting to wonder if I should just weigh in once or twice a week instead of every day since the normal body fluctuations are killing me.

It is 9:45 and I am thinking it's bedtime. Good night interwebs.


  1. Hey do some walking instead of driving, train or bus.Girrrrrrrl it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I wish I could do that - regrettably I work a 25 minute drive from my house. However, I do have to walk a lot from my car inside because it's as big as an airport and I park all the way down a row of cars plus it takes me 5 minutes to get to my desk once I'm in the building, haha.

    Been doing better again. Thanks for the encouragement!! :)
